Thursday 31 May 2012


Really pleased with myself today as I did my second run of the week last night, repeating the same 5k route from my first and shaved three minutes off the time.

I'm realistic enough to know that there will be days when I run slower, but on this occasion I used my frustrations for giving up on some hills on the bike to push myself harder. I'm still getting a stitch within the first 1k and my legs feel like lead by 2.5k but hopefully that will get better in time! My mate uses compression skins on his legs and swears by them; anyone know which the best ones are?

When I got back I decided to try a DIY ice bath so filled the tub with cold water and got in.....Brrrrr. Once I'd finished giggling like a little girl I relaxed into it. The legs did not feel so bad this morning so maybe it worked?

Anyway, busy couple of days coming up with nights out and jubilee BBQ's and it'd be really easy to let this slip. I've really enjoyed the first couple of days though so I have every intention of keeping to my diet and training. Wish me luck!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Harder than I thought!

Well, as planned I went out on the bike Tuesday afternoon with my little boy in a rear child seat. I chose to do a big loop around the village I live in and managed to clock up 8.77km. IT WAS A LOT HARDER THAN I THOUGHT! It was very hot, I was riding a touring bike with gears that I haven't properly worked out and there are (as I have said before) a lot of hills to contend with. Oh, and to top it off my son weighs the same as a small elephant!! I stopped a couple of times for him and (I've promised to be honest) twice for me. There were two hills in particular that I just couldnt do in one go. I was pretty disappointed with myself for doing this; I need to learn to keep going. Perhaps it's in the mind? On both occasions I told myself I needed to pause before I'd even tried to attack the hill - bad Ryan. That said, it is really early days.

On a brighter note the diet seems to be going well. My wife is trying to lose weight so we've been keeping each other on the right path so far. I did the weekly food shop today and our fridge has never been so packed; there is heaps of fresh fruit, vegetables, salad, yoghurt and lean meat. Plus the cupboards are now full of porridge oats, beans, cous cous and ryvita. Our "naughty cupboard" is practically empty and there isn't a scotch egg or bag of crisps in sight!

Finally, I've measured my chest and arms (hopefully they will get bigger) and middle/stomach (which will get smaller). So; biceps 14", Chest 43" and stomach 39" - I wonder how quickly these will change.....

Tuesday 29 May 2012

The morning after...

So, yesterday was the first day of the new regime and I kicked it off with a 5km run. I am aching a bit this morning but I can move!

Where I live in Mid Devon the countryside is beautiful and the traffic is light so there are loads of routes to play with. However, there are also A LOT of hills. As a result I seem to have spent most of yesterday running uphill. Initially I was worried about my dodgy knee but quite quickly this was pushed out of my mind by the various aches and pains everywhere else around my body! I completed the route in 32 minutes, which is slow but means I can only get better ... right???

I've also started putting some thought into what I eat. I have always eaten big and enjoy my food. I don't have a particularly sweet tooth but will quite happily put away sandwiches, pasties, pies and scotch eggs. None of which are going to help me strip fat and get the abs I'm after! So it was shreddies for breakfast, scrambled egg and tomatoes for lunch and roast chicken and sweet potato frittata with green salad for dinner followed by fruit salad and meringue. I also had a banana and yoghurt when I got back from my run. I'm not obsessed with the calorie counting but do want to be sensible. Luckily, I'm not a fussy eater so happy to try new things so if anyone has any recipe ideas that will get me lean but not leave me hungry then please share away!!

Well, I'm on daddy-day-care duties today so have decided to take my (nearly) two year old son out on the bike for the afternoon. I'll hopefully be able to get a few miles in but won't be going for speed - I'd hate to fall off!!!

Monday 28 May 2012

Here it goes!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I have decided to do this having been inspired by two close friends who have been competing in triathlons for a while now, one of whom has his very own blog

Up until a couple of years ago I was in pretty good shape; using the gym or running every day, playing a good standard of rugby and hitting level 14 on the beep test. Then in April 2009 I dislocated my knee in a Rugby match. I rushed my recovery and made things worse. My knee is still a bit shaky and my last game of Rugby was in September 2010. A busy career and young son has seen time fly by whilst my fitness levels have plummeted. I last used a gym over a year ago, I’ve lost weight and my muscle mass has decreased.

In one months time I turn 30 and have decided now is the time to act. I am going to get back to the levels of fitness I had a few years ago, and who knows, maybe exceed them. To do this I have set three goals:

  1. Get a six pack
  2. Compete in the 2013 Crediton Crunch (10k running race, usually in May)
  3. Compete in the 2013 Bideford Triathlon (usually in July)

I have never run more than 4 or 5 miles in one go and have never competed in a triathlon. I don’t own a road bike. I swim like an old lady. Oh, and as the photo below shows; I am some considerable way off having a “men’s fitness” torso!!

This blog is going to be an honest and open account of my journey from slightly flabby and out of shape 29 year old into a toned, 30 year old triathlete – I hope you enjoy it!!