Wednesday 30 May 2012

Harder than I thought!

Well, as planned I went out on the bike Tuesday afternoon with my little boy in a rear child seat. I chose to do a big loop around the village I live in and managed to clock up 8.77km. IT WAS A LOT HARDER THAN I THOUGHT! It was very hot, I was riding a touring bike with gears that I haven't properly worked out and there are (as I have said before) a lot of hills to contend with. Oh, and to top it off my son weighs the same as a small elephant!! I stopped a couple of times for him and (I've promised to be honest) twice for me. There were two hills in particular that I just couldnt do in one go. I was pretty disappointed with myself for doing this; I need to learn to keep going. Perhaps it's in the mind? On both occasions I told myself I needed to pause before I'd even tried to attack the hill - bad Ryan. That said, it is really early days.

On a brighter note the diet seems to be going well. My wife is trying to lose weight so we've been keeping each other on the right path so far. I did the weekly food shop today and our fridge has never been so packed; there is heaps of fresh fruit, vegetables, salad, yoghurt and lean meat. Plus the cupboards are now full of porridge oats, beans, cous cous and ryvita. Our "naughty cupboard" is practically empty and there isn't a scotch egg or bag of crisps in sight!

Finally, I've measured my chest and arms (hopefully they will get bigger) and middle/stomach (which will get smaller). So; biceps 14", Chest 43" and stomach 39" - I wonder how quickly these will change.....