Monday 4 June 2012

A thoroughly British Jubilee

Wow, what a fantastic Jubilee weekend! We have done everything that a decent British family should do; we have had BBQ's, garden parties, village races and family get togethers - and I have continued to train and (pretty much) stick to the diet!!!

So, I kicked Sunday off with my usual 5k route (must start finding some new routes soon!!) and smashed the time from Friday morning. Really enjoying my running at the moment, I hope this sticks.

After my run it was family BBQ time; I only had a tiny helping of the potato salad, didn't have baps with my meat and only had the one beer.

Woke up this morning feeling really stiff for some reason. Not sure what was so different about yesterdays run or even it was a culmination of the week, but my legs were like lead! That said, I didn't stretch much before my run and didn't warm down at all so I've only myself to blame. All the same is keeping me focussed so did a weights workout instead of running. As I'm going for lean muscle rather than bulk (which is what I've always focussed my weights on in the past) I had a look for a decent workout. I found the below 12 minute cardio dumbell workout on men's fitness and it was great. I felt pretty much every muscle get used and I will definitely be adding this to my regular training routine.

Finally, I wanted to say thanks to those of you that have read my blog or sent me messages of support so far. Week one has been completed and I have burned 2170 calories, lost 3.5 lbs and covered 28.8k by foot and bike. I've got a hell of a long way to go but it's been an enjoyable start....

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